Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Power Of Your Smile

Do you know the power of your smile? Do you know what
it looks like, feels like? Are you conscious of the
response you get when you smile?

You may have trouble smiling on and off stage. If you are
one of them then I challenge you to start working on your
smile. People who work from the stage make more
money if they smile. I have always loved the old saying,
“A smile will increase your face value.”

When I was judge for the I.B.M. stage competition the
first thing I would look for from the performer was a
smile. A smile would give you a higher score.

Your smile connects you with your audience. If you
laugh and smile during your programs then your audiences
will do the same.

If you ever visit the Magic Castle in Hollywood, CA watch
the audiences as they leave each showroom. If the people
leaving the show are smiling and laughing then you know
the performer has done the same thing.

You can get the same effect if you watch people coming
out of a break out session during a major convention.

First thing, practice your smile in front of a mirror.
Know what it looks like. Know how it feels. Know
when to use your smile at the exact points in
your program.

My wife says I have two smiles. One is my showbiz smile
the other is my natural smile. She says the first one
says “Hey, it is time to have some fun!” The second
one shows my warmth and sincerity. So I make sure to
use them both during my programs.

Work on placing your smile in your program. Video tape
your self. There is nothing wrong in using your
smile at an exact point in your program knowing
how it will affect your audience. You may feel like a
fake at first but if you are sincere, your heart will follow
and it will become a natural part of your program.

Everyone smiles in the same language. I've never seen
a smiling face that was not beautiful.

Steve Hart

One Minute Is All You Got!

You are coming to the close of your program and you are
told, “One minute is all you got!” Do you know without
timing your self how long a minute is?

A true professional will know what a minute is. I highly
recommend you learn this skill. Time yourself. Know what
is a minute, five minutes and ten minutes.

When I was working in radio and television over the years
I had to learn these time frames so I could pace myself
for each cue. The day will come when you will be in an
interview and the host will say we only have a minute
to close this out. Will you be able to say what you
want to say and stay within that minute?

It is embarrassing to run out of time and the host has
to cut you off before you finish.

When you say you are about to close your program with
this one thought, don’t be guilty of going on and on
with last minute thoughts. Be concise. Your closing
comments should be short, clear and to the point. If
you do your audience will appreciate it.

Practice this skill. Prepare yourself for those
moments when time is critical. When you do you will
be perceived as a professional by the host, your emcee,
and your listeners.

Start off by writing a one minute talk. Most people speak
at about 120 to 170 words per minute. When you practice
on these skills I suggest you read your script out loud to get
the full effect. At the same time learn how to pace yourself.

Once you have practice that and you are comfortable, do
it again without reading it until you once again are able to
pace yourself just under a minute.

Now you can step it up and include a magic trick. This may
feel like starting all over but in time you will figure out
your timing. It is most important to become aware and
comfortable with the amount of time you are given.

I think my minute is up.

Steve Hart

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My New Blog

I decided to move everything from my disscussion form over to my blog.

What you see posted in the last few days is all the post that were worth saving.

I will be frequently adding new post to this blog for you enjoyment.

I will be letting you know when I make a new post through my e-Newsletter
so please sign up if you wish to keep up-dated.

Go to:

Steve Hart

NSA convention 2006 Orlando, FL

The 2006 National Speakers Association International convention in Orlando, FL had several new faces of magician/speakers attending.

I don't have a list of all who attended but I will do my best to mention the magician/speakers who I saw this year for the first time.

Hondo, Glenn Strange, John Cooper, Tim Cimbura, Timothy Hyde, Samual Patrick Smith, Steve Spangler and my good friend Rod Jurado.

This year Gary Roberts and I did a magical presentation at the Un-Official Cigar PEG.

Steve Hart

Speaking with Mark Wilson

Recently I was working in the Parlour of Prestidigitation located in Hollywood's private club, the Magic Castle.

When I stepped out on stage I noticed in the back an old familiar face in the back of the audience. After the show he came up to me and shook my hand saying, I took a look at your Website, magic2motivate and I was impressed with what you are doing.

I couldn't believe it, one of my childhood hero's, Mark Wilson from the 60's TV show the Magic Land of Alakazam was impressed with what I was doing.

In recent years I had purchased a video of the old TV show and I noticed how Mark and Bev, (Rebo the Clown) had done some ground breaking magic with their product promotion for Kelloggs cereals, the TV show's sponsor.

I told Mark how I was impressed with the tricks they came up with many years ago. They inspired me in my magical product promotions. He said at the time they had no idea the creativity that was going into those creations.

If you get the chance, take a look at those old video's.

Steve Hart

Recommended Training!


If you are interested in starting a career in motivational magic, Steve Hart's Magic2Motivate is GO!

I have been studying with Steve for awhile and the 3 Day M2M seminar is where I really started to put the pieces together. Thanks to Steve's and Daina's help, I now know what to do to make it happen. It's a great feeling to have a guide like Steve to lead me to success!

Steve Hart and Daina Gold are all about relationships. Their expert training and style are more on the level of a personal coaching team. They offer more guidance and inspirations to succeed than I had expected.

Magic2Motivate's informative training uses innovative technologies that actually accelerate the learning curve.

Steve has some amazing tools for self discovery to help you understand yourself, revealing who you are and why. The results from this will simply blow you away! Steve is an excellent instructor that gives the feeling that the material is custom prepared and presented just for me personally.

How does he do that?


Greg Steele

Why Motivational Magic?

I know that I have made some fairly strong statements about "Motivational Magic" and it's future.

It is neither because I have used a crystal ball nor had my fortune read. I have real solid reasoning behind why I believe that "Motivational Magic" is one of the fasted growing industries in the field of magic.

Recent events and history have set the stage.

If you are a magician who enjoys the idea of speaking, training or selling with your magic then you have a bright future. Now is the time to learn this business. Put yourself ahead of the learning curve.

This is why I was prompted to create the magic2motivate training program. I was asked by several of my friends, I saw the need, and I knew I was gifted and experienced enough to teach this to others and help make them a success in the world of "Motivational Magic".

Over the last four years it has proven to be true. Every week I hear from those who are taking the training and how they are experiencing a whole new world of Magic. Not only are they entertaining their audiences but passing along valuable information, and finding great satisfaction in presenting their "Motivational Magic."

Believe me now is the time to learn this business. For those who have ears to hear what I am saying....... Why do you think "Motivational Magic" is a growing industry?


Recent Shifts in the Speaking Industries

Just eight years ago a Keynote Speaker delivered a memorized speech as the main feature of an event, such as a conference or a convention.

In the last few years there has been a shift away from canned speeches toward a more spontaneous presentation involving the audience in the learning experience. You will now find a Keynote speaker working more as a facilitator who happens to be an expert on a particular topic.

The audience is encouraged to get involved in the learning process. The speaker asks questions and invites the participants to share their own experiences on the topic.

Can you see how this would provide greater opportunity for a motivational magician to work with an audience as a keynote speaker?


Let me clarify the word "Motivational" when used with the word "Speaker" or "Magician."

It is a descriptive title for someone who is using a message to motivate a person or audience to take action or educate them to believe or understand a topic.

The word "Motivation" is defined as something that motivates, inducement, incentive, or to create a state of motivation. A state or condition of being motivated.

So the title, "Motivational Magician" could be used for anyone who uses the art of magic to illustrate any message be it inspirational, educational, or in marketing a product or service.

I hope this helps to clear up any confusion you may have on this.


Check the Numbers

I decided to check the numbers and discover is the title of "motivational magician" is still growing.

By going back to the year 1999 there were only 163 Websites that mentioned the words "motivational magician."

Today we have 347 on Yahoo and 562 on Google.

So the popularity of this title is growing but not to the degree that I would think. These numbers could be very confusing.

For example I know of several hard working motivational magicians who are not ranked high in the search engines as motivational magician. They use the term "corporate speaker." They are extremely innovative and aggressive. They are breaking new ground in the field of motivational magic.

Take a look at Robert Strong's Website:

I have decided I am going to start collecting the addresses of all the magicians who are billing themselves as speakers or motivational magicians. I can use your help.

When you find a site that impresses you send it to me.

Steve Hart

Motivational Magic Tricks & Routines

One, Two, Three Ropes Routine

I found an old motivational idea for the 1,2,3, Ropes trick.

The three different lengths represent different priorities. Too often we allow them to run together and they all appear to be important. (Same Length)

That is why it is so important to plan out our day by deciding which task are the most important and which are not.

Magically transform them back to their different lengths. I thought this was a good idea and useful.

Anyone else have a good routine for the 1,2,3, Ropes?

I just read a quote I thought might lend it self to a great message using the 1,2,3. Ropes.

"Habit is a cable; We weave a thread of every day, and at last we cannot break it.” Horace Mann

Here is my idea...... As three different ropes one short, one medium, and one long we each stand our test of strength but when we team up and weave ourselves together we create a cord that cannot be broken. This is said as you transform each rope to the same length.

Then while holding the gimmicked end with one hand the other hand is weaving the three ropes together creating a much stronger cord. I think this idea will be an excellent illustration for a message on team work. What do you think?

I can't wait to try it out on a live audience.

Steve Hart


No Tear Newspaper

I love this version of Gene Anderson's Newspaper tear. It is easy to set up and easy to perform and it gives you a power ending.

My motivational routine has varied over the years but the basic idea is this. I pull out the pieces of the torn paper and I read them as though they were articles that I had torn from the paper.

I read headline as though they read accolades about the company I am performing for. I make the head line sound as though they are all about the great reviews about XYZ company or association.

After I have collected all the pieces, I say sounds like it is all good news to me! Bam the whole paper is restored.

Steve Hart

Blendo Effects

For those of you who know what a blendo is please allow me to explain it to those who don't. The basic effect is you show several colored silk handkerchief and they transform into one large silk scarf with a color print using those same colors. It could be a picture or a message.

I offer two version in my Catalog page. The first one is the "Target" silk and the second one is the "Butterfly" silk which also includes a caterpillar silk so you can tell the story of a hard working caterpillar who transforms into a beautiful butterfly.

For beginners I suggest you use a "Change Bag" to make the switch. This is easy to perform and the bag is gimmick to do all the work for you.

I also want to mention here the idea of doing a bare handed blendo. Their is on the market gimmick silks that give you the same effect but they are hard to find and not easy to work with.

The bare handed version involves stealing the large silk (which is folded into a bundle) as you are showing the smaller colored ones. You end up hiding the large silk until you bunch up all the colored ones into a small bundle then at that magic moment you allow the large one to un-fold while hiding the smaller ones in bundled up in your hand. With practice this is the best version.

The easiest is still using some type of change bag. I thought you may enjoy the idea of doing the same trick using different method.

Steve Hart


Correct Key

If you who don't know, this is the specially made lock that use to be called "Key-R-Rect" which is now called "Correct Key" by me. The owner of "Key-R-Rect" passed away and it was not available for over three years. I approached the owner's widow and she said the secret had died with her husband.

A year later I found a magician/locksmith who figured out the secret and we put this effect back into production. This magical device is very versatile and effective. There are several routines that you use with this trick lock.

I will tell you that the secret is built into the lock and it is set by one of the keys. Once this is done you, the magician, doesn't have to do anything from that point on it is self-working. On my Video-CD (Magnify Your Strengths, Be You!) you will see me present my favorite routine with the "Correct Key".

There are several reasons I really like this effect, one is it plays big but packs small. The second is it easily ties into my messages, be it "The Key to understanding....." "What is it that keeps us locked up......" If you don't own one of these locks it is available in my catalog of motivational magic tricks.

If you do own one, would you be willing to share with us your routine using the "Correct Key"?

Steve Hart

I sell the video of that complete program through my Website by going to:

You can watch two short video clips from that program there from my Website. I have sold over a hundred of these videos. I hear people enjoy the video.

I want to tell you if you own this trick, "Correct-Key" then you will want to know about this idea. It saved me from making a big mistake during one of my shows.

I found in a dollar store a package of key labels each a different color. So I put those on the keys that come with this trick to make it easier to hold on to during the performance. (I pass mine out to the spectators during my routine.)

Well one day I started my program and when I went to do that routine I realized that I had not separated the gimmick key from the others. Luckily I remembered which color I had attached to that key. I was able to grab it complete the trick with any problem. If I had not done this I would have been extremely difficult finding that key among the others. My eye sight is not as good as it use to be.

So look for the same package of those plastic key colored labels. It will make it easier to keep track of the gimmick key.

Steve Hart


A New Coloring Book

Yes, I am producing a new coloring book.

But this one is completely different. It is designed for your corporate programs.

It will read something like, "Magic Secrets for Success!" on the outside of the booklet.

As you flip through the pages they are seen a blank, until the motivational magician shares one of the great secrets of success that is Innovation!

At this point the pages are flipped and the audience sees the word "New Ideas" printed on every page in black and white.

But once the motivational magician explains how these new ideas bring change and profit the pages are flipped again and they are now in full color with the words, "New Ideas!"

You can purchase your Motivational Coloring Book through the magic2motivate Website.
It is on the catalog page.

Steve Hart


Here is an idea I thought of using the Squaring the Circle trick.

You start off with the circle shape and comment, "It is not always easy being honest with everyone. Often we find ourselves going round and round on the same issues.

The same problems keep coming up over and over again." "There comes a time when we must be honest with our selves and with others and stop beating around the bush and become square with people!"

"That is the beginning of change." At the proper moment the circle turns into the square.

Then I put my face into the square as though it was a picture frame and smile real big. Often you will get instant applause.

Steve Hart

Is Magic a Benefit For Selling Your Program?

I have been asked before if you promote the fact that you are a magician if you are going to be a motivation speaker?

It all depends upon your market and who is your audience.

Please understand I am talking about the promotion of your program not the program it self. Meaning you may choose not to mention you magic in your advertising of the benefits of your program but you could still use it as an illustration to your message.

The client if buying the message and the experience you give them. What is most important? They get the message, remember it, and make changes accordingly.

At this time choose to use the fact that I am a magician to help promote my program. On down the road I may change that approach with hope that people will not be confused and think that my program is just fun and laughter.

What a client wants and what they need may not be the same. Often they need a speaker who can break the ice with fun and laughter to get the message across.

Steve Hart

Perception as a Magician

Yes, I understand that your target market is different, and you probably go to great lengths to explain that you are a "Motivational Magician" you ever have a problem with people passing you off as "just an entertainer", or ask you if you do birthday parties?

Tig Wallis


Sure, once people understand that you are a magician they think to themselves how can I use this guy?

Some people have no idea exactly what a "Motivational Magician" is and I understand. But they also have no idea of the difference in pay.

So if they ask you if you can do a show of just entertainment or a birthday party, that is up to you.

This type of work allows you to choose your lifestyle. I have no problem doing them if my schedule allows me to. But I am not the cheap and explain that this is not part of my regular work. I do it cause I enjoy it.

I don't fight with my own identity. I know who I am and what I am best at. But I also know that people will draw their own conclusion about based upon what they know and understand.

I figure if I present myself properly I will get the type of work I desire and deserve.

Remember it is all "Show Business!" even speaking.

Enjoy, Steve Hart


I have been reading a book by NSA member, Alan Weiss. In his book "Money Talks: How to Make A Million As A Speaker", he offers the following advice to a ventriloquist.

"Lose the dummy. Lose it altogether. As long as it's here, you're a ventriloquist, and you'll have to work mightily to convince any buyer that you also can deliver a powerful message about "change" that will be the focus of your value. And stop talking about your "act" unless your buyer is the manager of the lounge at the Golden Nugget".

Charles Green is the "Corporate Shuffle" and Paul Gertner is "America's Favorite Corporate Presentainer(TM). Seems the big guys hide the fact that their magicians.

How do you feel feel about that Steve?

Steve Steele


Great Question.

I have wavered on this for sometime.

My conclusion is it depends upon you and your niche markets. Some may see the word magician as a problem and then others like the idea because it invites variety and humor.

I compare it with the idea of using humor in any program. Some would say you should never use humor be serious and to the point when presenting a program. Others will say if you don't use humor mostly likely you will never be hired back again. National Speakers Association has a consensus that supports the later.

So I don't see a real problem with the word "magic tricks" or magician in your promotional materials.

I do strongly suggest if you are going to continue to work as an entertainer at the same time work as a speaker, separate all of your promotional material. Don't try to promote both services on the same page or the same Website. Those who are buying you are most likely different people with different needs.

I love Allan Weiss he has taught me so much but I don't always agree with him.

How would you handle this question?

Steve Hart

How Do You Market Motivational Magic?

One of the first questions everyone will ask me once they sign up for the magic2motivate training is; "How will I be able to market myself as a Motivational Magician?"

I understand why this question is asked but let me explain that sales and marketing is very simple once you have something that people need.

You will find a great deal of information about marketing within the magic2motivate training program but the first and most important matter is developing your program and the value of what you are offering your audiences.

Once you have developed your direction and have something of value then you will begin to sell and market your services and I find this very simple. It is simply selling people what they want and need.

How do you do this? You must use a marketing strategy and I recommend a combination of several, first I believe in what is called "Permission Marketing".

Next is "Position Marketing" and I also like to use a little bit of "Mischief Marketing" to get the client's attention. All of this material is covered in the magic2motivate training material. Are you familiar with any of these marketing strategies?

If so how do you use them?


I am a strong believer in creating a detailed Website for your motivational magic business.

There are several reasons why and I would like to cover a couple here.

First, it forces you to put into writing what it is that you are offering to your customers. Your Website becomes a visible file of the work you have done in preparation for the work you do. You have no idea of the power behind creating your Website. It is like a proclamation to the Universe that you means business and you are ready to go to work.

Secondly, It will help you get clear about your message and your expertise. You will be forced to find the words that best describe your work. The number one reason people fail in marketing is by not making themselves clear. If your marketing message is not clear people will not buy what you have to sell. You may understand what you want to say but others have no idea until you make it very clear by the words you use.

How clear is your marketing?

Does it say something different, does it offer something of great value. Or does your marketing material look and sound just like everyone else?


"Who Cares" Marketing

What does this mean?

When we begin to talk about marketing, I always hear in my head the question, "Who Cares?"

If you can answer that question then you know who to market your product or services to and who will buy it.

This simple approach to marketing has saved me a lot of money and help me discover a short-cut to reaching the people I need to be marketing to.

We will be covering the "how to's" and benefits of using this type of marketing approach during my Live Workshop.

Steve Hart

Message, Message, Who's got Your Message?

This is probably the most frustrating part of this work, finding your message. This is one thing that sets us all a part from each other.

I believe that everyone has their own message, their own piece from the 'giant library in the sky.' Your message is tied to you finding your mission and purpose in life. Your message is tied to the real you and your gifts and talents.

This is why I speak so much about self-discovery.

This is my message. Yes this is the one thing I have become an expert in. Understanding who we are and what we have to offer.

You may find it difficult to define what this means to you and I understand. But I am here to help you find the "real you" and your core message.

Let me know when you are ready to do this work.


Starting Out

Keep it simple by starting out with a topic or message that easy for you to cover.

For example: "The positive affects of Humor" Those of you who enjoy humor and use it in your magic routines, it would be simple for you to put together a program on this topic.

Another example: "The illusion of perception." It would be easy to present a program explaining how we can all be easily deceived and believe our own perception.

These are couple of ideas for topics that could be used by a magician.


You and only you can really decide what your message is?

I was once asked by an association to speak on the topic, "How to motivate your employees to peak performance."

I had never spoken upon this topic before but I was eager enough to take the challenge. I was scored "OK" since it was not really my message.

But I was asked to present a second time and this time I changed it on my own. I said before you can motivate your employees you must first be motivated yourself. So I moved the topic of that speech closer to my message of personal development. This time my scores were very high and they were much happier.

I learned the lesson to not move to far away from my core message.

What is your core message?


Several of you responded to my recent e-Newsletter requesting an exercise to start you on the path of discovering your message or topic area.

It is a very simple exercise but a good solid start to defining what your message is.

If you did not get this exercise from me and you would like to know what it is, then email me and I will send it to you in a word file.

Steve Hart

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Ideas are a Dime a Dozen

If this is true then when does an idea become something of value?

Napoleon Hill states in his book, "Think and Grow Rich" that an idea has no real value until we turn that idea into its tangible equivalent. Ready and fully functional.

Its value is declared by the demand for that product or services. The first step in turning it into a tangible equivalent is to write it down on paper. At that moment you have now taken something from the invisible and introduced it to this visible realm.

This is often the most difficult because it is not easy putting your ideas down on paper. It takes discipline and an organizing of your thoughts to do so.

So for starters at least write your ideas down on paper.

Next? See what happens.

You never know which idea will be a real money making one.

Steve Hart

Understanding The Creative Process

You may say, "But I am not creative!"

I say you are. What you don't understand is how you fit within the creative process. I have found that everyone is gifted somewhere within the creative process.

One of the tools that I use in the Self-Discovery Profile is one on Innovation and the creative process.

There are four steps to the process and you need to find the one that fits you best.

Once you know where you fit in then creativity becomes a natural process for you. The first is the "Creator" next is the "Advancer" then the "Refiner" and last is the "Executor". Once you know which one or which combination you are gifted in, then the whole creative process becomes natural. It will provide for you a source of inspiration and great wisdom.

Tell me which approach do you take to creativity?

Is it the conceptual approach, a spontaneous approach, or a methodical approach? Can you guess?

Steve Hart


For me creativity is a continual process. I never know when an idea is going to hit; so I have to be continually on the lookout. My problem is that creativity hits me and I don't have enough money (sometimes) to implement the idea and a couple of years later I see my idea on stage. That has happened four times in the last 10 years or so and I'm in the middle of it right now. Very frustrating.

Anyway, for me creativity starts with knowing your subject (magic) very very very well. You have to have a solid foundation on which to draw in order to create something.

However, creating is often simply looking at something from a different point of view. Therefore, I spend a lot of time reading books/articles about anything under the sun. I read cook books, history, fiction, politics, fantasy, psychology, oil subject is exempt. I keep notes and files on things that strike me and they often become the basis for a new routine.

Steve Steele

The Most Popular Question for Creativity.

Do know what it is?

It always starts with two important words!

Make yourself say it then listen for the answers.

Here is the question: "What if........?"

Then listen for the answer and write it down. It does not matter if the answers completely silly or impractical.

Then ask the question again from another angle.

Once you have your list, you can now start to look for the ideas that might have value. Before you do, beware! Don't be quitly of judging your aswers too soon. When you are in the first stage of looking for ideas and asking the questions, do not judge the answers just write them down.

We are too quick to eliminate ideas. Don't fall into this trap of judging until later on in the creative process.

So ask yourself......"What if........?"

Steve Hart

The Power of Creativity

I recently attended a seminar with the Marketing guru giant, Jay Abraham.

He stated that there are two things that will determine the success of any business today, "Marketing and Innovation".

This is what sets you a part from all the others. Creativity is what puts the sizzle in your marketing. It is the spark that starts the fire for your success.

I am a strong believer in the study and the understanding of how creativity works within our lives and work. What is your favorite book on creativity and why?

Steve Hart


"A Technique For Producing Ideas" by James Webb Young.

It's an easy read, makes a lot of sense, & I got it for a $1.50 at a used bookstore.

Gotta love that! I re-read it when I'm in a creative jam.

Eric Paul

Author, Speaker, Motivational Magician
"Dedicated To Bring Your Magic to the PAYING Public!!!"


My favorite book on creativity is called "Danicng Corndogs in the Night" by Don Hahn. He's a Disney guy that produced Lion King amonst others. It's a lot of short essays about creativity.

The title refrences his experience as a kid watching the drive-in intermission messages. For me when I have a creative inspiration I always say that I "saw the dancing corndogs in the night"

Although not a book but based on one is a very neat product called the "Whack Pack" which comes from Roger Von Oech. Basically its a creativity tarot deck. The concept is that you meditate on your problem then pick a card and reflect on how the message on the card may solve your problem.

An amazingly simple but effective technique.

Make every Day a Magicial Adventure


Tapping into the Invisible Resources

In the magic2motivate training I stress the importance of setting for answers.

This involves taking time everyday to listen for the answers to the questions you are facing.

By using your intuitions you can develop a connection to the resource of infinite intelligence, which originates outside your sub-conscious mind. This resource will speak to you through your creative imagination.

It is only through exercise and committed time to listening then you will begin to hear the answers from this invisible resource.

I am not trying to sound spooky or bizarre. But I am suggesting that you possess the ability to communicate with an infinite intelligence. It will become your most valued resource for answers. In Napoleon Hill's book, "Think and Grow Rich" how does he describe this resource?

Have you found this to be true in your life?

Steve Hart


I find that I begin in the imagination stage, move onto the possibility stage and then to solution stage.

It's probably more psycho-cybernetic stuff, which I thoroughly enjoy.

I recently read, "The 11th Element" by Robert Sheinfeld, and he addresses this issue. There is an invisible resource out there, available to us all, it's just a matter of tapping into it. That's why we're chatting now.

So yes, Steve, I do use this technique for nearly everything I do. Sometimes prayer, sometimes meditation, sometimes just leaving it alone and waiting, but it works for me

Eric Paul

Author, Speaker, Motivational Magician
"Dedicated To Bring Your Magic to the PAYINGPublic!!!"

Do you believe in Synchronicity?

I am an Academy Fast Track Student and an enthusiast of the 11th Element, the missing element in most Success programs.

I would enjoy speaking with you about this in private but I will refrain from addressing this on the Forum.

Only when one is ready to apply this principle will one understand and benefit from it.

Steve Hart


OK, this is going to be very difficult to explain...and I will probably take some flack for this, but it is something I am exploring.

As a physicist, I am aware that matter is really just energy and the two are interchangable (The MATRIX got it right, kind of). Anyway,I also understand recent theories regarding superstrings and 11 dimensions. I think the "Infinite Intelligence" that Napolean is referring to may be some aspect of God.

I don't believe that you can set a goal of making $500,000 next year and it will come true. However, if your goals are in synch with God and His will, I believe it will happen.

This is something I've been grapling with for a few years now as physicists get closer to God and I in no way have gotten clarity on the finer points. I just thought you'd like to hear a slightly different perspective.

Steven Steele


Well Spoke Brother!

A delicate issue in some places, but I believe THIS is a safe place to explore such considerations! Intelligent, gracious, giving adults can share openly on just these sorts of things.

It’s all part of the personal, professional, spiritual development paradigm that Steve refers to so often!

Nicely done!

I am at your service and In His Service,

I like how N. Hill used the term "Infinite Intelligence" as, I believe, a way to reach out to believers and non-believers alike. I find it interesting as I continue my research just how many authors use this philosophy, such as James Allen's "As A Man Thinketh" and Wallace Wattles "Science of Getting Rich", both of which imply that it is our very thinking that causes success (and money) to come our way.

Tig Wallis

Knowing Your Resources

I love the story about Henry Ford. A man with very little schooling who went on to becoming the riches man of his day because he knew his resources for knowledge.

In Napoleon Hill's book, "Think and Grow Rich", in the chapter on "Specialized Knowledge" he tells how Ford brought a suit against a Chicago Newspaper for calling him 'an ignorant pacifist'. During the trial the attorneys tried to prove that Ford was an ignorant man by asking him questions to which the answers he did not know.

Finally after failing to answer correctly the questions asked, Ford turned on the attorneys and said, "If I should really want to answer the foolish questions you have just asked me, let me remind you that I have in my office on my desk a row of electric buttons, and by pushing the right button, I can summon to my aid men who can answer any question I desire to ask concerning the business to which I am devoted most of my efforts." He won the case.

It was not essential that Ford have all this knowledge in his own head but to know where to find it when ever he needed it. The same holds true for you. Know your resources and you will be able to accomplish anything.

Can you give me some examples of the resources you have created in your life and business?

Steve Hart


This reminds me of a checklist created by the late Thomas Leonard, which I can't seem to put my finger on right now. It's essentially a list of "contacts" that you create, who have knowledge in every field you can possibly think of, such as,

This person knows computers
This person is a plumber
This person knows WAY too much about marketing (that would be me)

I think the idea of listing all of your contacts and cross-referencing them by knowledge can go a long way in knowing "who to call" at the time.

Tig Wallis


That would be the Team 100 program. Here's a link to the file;

There are an ENORMOUS amount of resources available on Coachville, and membership is FREE!


Scott W. Lowry


Great Link Scott.

Wow This looks like a vaulable resource generator.
Thanks for the Link.
I have been member of Coachville.
I encourage everyone to join.

Steve Hart

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Creating New Product

Allow me to encourage you to take the time and create new product. Everytime I have taken this advice for myself it has paid off Big Time. The simple of way of getting started is to write!

Write articles, write special report, or just journal. What is most put your thoughts down on paper. What comes out will surprise you. I can not tell you how much this has changed my work and made it easier to do this business.

You must get your thoughts out of your head and down on paper. Once you have done this you will see the value of what you have. Each writing can become a new product for you to give away, ad as a bonus to another product, or to sell alone. It can be sold as a downloadable PDF file, or on CD in print or with you speaking. Or it could be sold as a special report or a study guide/manual.

What ever it is you write remember these are your words expressing your thoughts. You don't have to copy other people writings, write your own. It will take some discipline but it will pay off Big Time!

Steve Hart

Creating Your Own Product

There are several ways to create product for you to sell after your programs, through your Website, through direct mail, or through other affiliates. We will be covering everything from creating your own magic kit to making video DVD's to sell.

Every time you present a program and you do not offer anything to sell, you are robbing yourself of the opportunity to make additional income. Not to mention your robbing the audience of the chance to take a piece you home with them.

Steve Hart

Re: How can you profit from Affiliate Programs?

You have available to you what are called Affiliate Programs where you can sell other people's product through your Website, through an email or your e-Newsletter.

These programs are set up to track any traffic your bring to their product page and if they make a purchase you will be paid a percentage of the sale. Some affiliates pay from 5% to 35% of each sale. If you work at this it can become a great source for passive income for you business.

What products are you currently affiliated with and why?

If you did not notice, all the products I sell through magic2motivate are available for you to offer to others. Every month I send checks for hundreds of dollars $$$ to my affiliates. You too could be getting a check from me once you sign up and let others know about magic2motivate.

How does this work? Everything you need is explained behind the button on my Website's opening page titled, "Affiliate Program."

Steve Hart

Selling Other People's Products

Until you have developed your own products to sell at the back of the room you may want to consider selling other people's product. There is a wealth of products that are available to you to purchase at a wholesale prices and then turn around them for a profit.

Do you have any products that you would recommend for resale?

Steve Hart


Even though I have a host of my own line of success related products, I also offer and sell Steve's (and others) products and services that I BELIEVE in to my trusted friends and family members as a service to my membership.

YES... I have tons of KILLER success product both for performers as well as "Instant Author - Licensed Products" for public consumption as phenomenal premiums, profit centers and BOR!

Here's just TWO: - Invisible magic Dust! A Unique and amazingly EFFECTIVE tool to help book more shows, create impact and demonstrate your SOLUTIONS mindedness to your customer base. (New and old) Invisible Magic Dust is a POWERFUL income stream all unto itself! (You don’t even need to perform to PROFIT!) -

- Use it as a CUSTOM grabber in you mailings!
- Use it as a BOR product! - Use it as a trade-show premium!
- Use it as a free gift/incentive for booking and referrals!
- Use it... use it... use it for INSANE PROFITS n almost every area of your business!
- But USE IT! (Or loose it!) Just ONE example of the powerful impact this licensed product has had is a full 1,200% Responses Rate (and PROFIT! of thousands of dollars on just that ONE mailing!) on just one SMALL mailing with "zero" offer or sales approach... JUST a friendly gift and re-elationship reminder.

Not bad eh? - - There are LOADS of example like this worth THOUSANDS OF FREE DOLLARS instantly! - "Abra-KID-abra, Magic, Activity & Coloring Book" Singly, the most stunning and well crafted "instant author" licensed product available anywhere! This is a "Professionally" BEAUTIFULLY ILUSTRATED coloring, activity and magic book that you can sell, get sponsors for, use as a premium, give-away, up sell etc... that will add to your arsenal of awesome promotional and positioning tools that will make you more money doing little more than you are already doing... just MORE money and more prestige cuz this is (as far as your public can tell) YOUR very own custom coloring book! - Your Name - Your Adds - Your inserts ... your book to sell and make huge profits from immediately! Hope that helps some…

I am at your service and In His Service,
Dean <><

Book More Gigs... Make More Money... Help More People! (NOT Necessarily In THAT Order!)The Dean's List, Your University Of SUCCESS!http://www.TheDean.netDiscover YOUR Success NOW! FREE!


"Secrets of Success" Magical Workbook

Yes, It is finally here and available through my catalog page. This is like the coloring book only it is custom made for the speaking biz. You can present it as a magical workbook.

Each step takes your audience to higher level of understanding how "New ideas!" will reveal the "Secrets of Success".

I might also mention that it has been made a bit different from the traditional coloring books. This one can be flip both forward and back word changing the position of your hands as you do this.

I want to thank Steve Varro of Dock Haley Gospel Magic for making these for me. Steve also makes my "Nuggets of Truth."

Steve Hart

BOR (Back of the Room) Sales

You may have heard of "Back of the Room Sales", if not then I want to explain how valuable this will become to your business as a motivational magician.

There are those who will take a speaking engagement for a very low fee as long as they know they can sell anything they want at the back of the room after the programs over. The income from these sales will be so high that it profits one to take the booking.

The secret to selling in the back of room is how you present it during your program. I am not suggesting you turn your whole program into a sale presentation. But you are not doing your client justice to think that they will not benefit from any product you can provide for them after you are gone.

In other words no matter how good your program was, when it is all over, what do they get to take home? What will they remember? If you provide them with product that they can take home and use to refresh your message within their minds, then you are doing them a big favor. As you begin to refine your message and your services then you will want to start creating product development.

What do you currently possess that you could be making available at the back of the room for sale?

Steve Hart