Wednesday, May 16, 2007

How Do You Market Motivational Magic?

One of the first questions everyone will ask me once they sign up for the magic2motivate training is; "How will I be able to market myself as a Motivational Magician?"

I understand why this question is asked but let me explain that sales and marketing is very simple once you have something that people need.

You will find a great deal of information about marketing within the magic2motivate training program but the first and most important matter is developing your program and the value of what you are offering your audiences.

Once you have developed your direction and have something of value then you will begin to sell and market your services and I find this very simple. It is simply selling people what they want and need.

How do you do this? You must use a marketing strategy and I recommend a combination of several, first I believe in what is called "Permission Marketing".

Next is "Position Marketing" and I also like to use a little bit of "Mischief Marketing" to get the client's attention. All of this material is covered in the magic2motivate training material. Are you familiar with any of these marketing strategies?

If so how do you use them?


I am a strong believer in creating a detailed Website for your motivational magic business.

There are several reasons why and I would like to cover a couple here.

First, it forces you to put into writing what it is that you are offering to your customers. Your Website becomes a visible file of the work you have done in preparation for the work you do. You have no idea of the power behind creating your Website. It is like a proclamation to the Universe that you means business and you are ready to go to work.

Secondly, It will help you get clear about your message and your expertise. You will be forced to find the words that best describe your work. The number one reason people fail in marketing is by not making themselves clear. If your marketing message is not clear people will not buy what you have to sell. You may understand what you want to say but others have no idea until you make it very clear by the words you use.

How clear is your marketing?

Does it say something different, does it offer something of great value. Or does your marketing material look and sound just like everyone else?


"Who Cares" Marketing

What does this mean?

When we begin to talk about marketing, I always hear in my head the question, "Who Cares?"

If you can answer that question then you know who to market your product or services to and who will buy it.

This simple approach to marketing has saved me a lot of money and help me discover a short-cut to reaching the people I need to be marketing to.

We will be covering the "how to's" and benefits of using this type of marketing approach during my Live Workshop.

Steve Hart

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