Wednesday, May 09, 2007

BOR (Back of the Room) Sales

You may have heard of "Back of the Room Sales", if not then I want to explain how valuable this will become to your business as a motivational magician.

There are those who will take a speaking engagement for a very low fee as long as they know they can sell anything they want at the back of the room after the programs over. The income from these sales will be so high that it profits one to take the booking.

The secret to selling in the back of room is how you present it during your program. I am not suggesting you turn your whole program into a sale presentation. But you are not doing your client justice to think that they will not benefit from any product you can provide for them after you are gone.

In other words no matter how good your program was, when it is all over, what do they get to take home? What will they remember? If you provide them with product that they can take home and use to refresh your message within their minds, then you are doing them a big favor. As you begin to refine your message and your services then you will want to start creating product development.

What do you currently possess that you could be making available at the back of the room for sale?

Steve Hart

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